Disco Ball Senior Photo Ideas

girl holding a disco ball for her senior photoshoot

Senior Photos With A Disco Ball

There are a ton of ideas for how to make your senior photos all about you and not cookie cutter copies of your BFF’s senior photoshoot last month. One way to do that is with props!

Nothing is quite as fun as a great prop and I loved that Bri wanted to use a Disco Ball! Check out the disco ball photoshoot inspiration below to help you decide if a disco ball is something you’d like to use for your senior photos!

How to use a Disco Ball for Senior Photos

1. Hold the disco out ball next to you

This is a cute and easy pose for anyone and disco balls usually have a hook at the top to easily hold onto.

2. Throw the disco ball up & catch it!

Carefully throw the disco ball for something fun and different in a photo! Drop down your shutter speed to make it look blurry or make it more still like the one below.

3. Use the Disco Ball in the foreground

Put the ball in front of your camera and experiment. I used the flash and some crystal reflector type things to create different looking images with the disco ball’s reflective surface.

4. Create interesting light patterns

Use the reflections to create something different on your subject. This was made using the sunlight reflecting on her face.

5. Change your angle

If you’re still not sure what to do to create some different photos, then change your angle! Shoot from below or above or any fun angle to get your creativity rolling.

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