The Ultimate High School Senior Year Bucket List

girl sitting by unique blue wall for senior photos

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34 High School Senior Year Bucket List Ideas

Only a few more months until graduation! Senior year is an unforgettable experience full of lasts. You only get one senior year in high school so make the most of it with the ultimate high school senior year bucket list! I’ve included 32 fun ways to make memories during your last year of high school. (Scroll to the bottom to download the printable version)

1. Attend at least one sports game.

Not everyone is into sports and that’s ok! But everyone should go to at least one game in whichever sport their school has.

2. Write a thank you letter to your favorite high school teacher.

Teachers work so hard for little compensation, but they do it because they love the job. If you have a teacher that’s inspired you tell them! They will cherish that letter forever.

3. Try every kind of cafeteria food.

I dare you. No, not really lol, but I mean that would be quite the accomplishment!

4. Create a scrapbook of your favorite high school memories.

Don’t leave it up the yearbook staff to feature you when you can do it yourself! I mean, unless you’re on the yearbook staff then you can totally disregard this.

5. Go on a senior year trip.

There’s nothing like a senior year trip to help you explore the world and bond with your classmates!

6. Go to at least one chorus, orchestra, or band concert at your school.

If you’re not in any of these programs go see one performance and get an idea for what your classmates have spent their time perfecting.

7. Go to at least one theatre performance at your school.

You will not regret getting to see a theatrical performance put on by other students at your school. You might even see some of them in a different light after the performance.

8. Take a photo with your mascot.

Does this even need explaining? Go get this photo!

9. Dress up super fancy one day for class.

Just because you’re graduating doesn’t mean you’re too old to play dress up!

10. Organize or Participate in a Community Service Day or Blood Donation Day

Find a way to give back to your community before you graduate. There are so many options here… organize a cleanup, donate your time at a non-profit, get your graduating class to donate blood, feed the homeless. The options are endless. You can also add this to a college application letter.

11. Buy or make gifts for the janitors at your school.

They are cleaning up after everyone. Do I need to justify this?

12. Send a candy gram during Valentine’s Day to your friends.

This might be the last chance you have to send a friend a Valentine at school, so have some fun with it! If you can’t afford to order it, then make it and deliver it to the school office yourself for them to call out your friend’s name and deliver it.

13. Plan a senior photoshoot.

Yes, I know I’m a photographer saying get a senior photoshoot… but even if you don’t hire me I still want you to do it! How many times do you graduate high school? Exactly.

If you do want to see more senior photoshoots, you can check those out here.

14. Make a new friend.

How well do you know all your classmates? There might be some people that surprise you. Take a chance and try to get to know at least one person that you haven’t been around much.

15. Take a polaroid / instax image every day of your senior year

I know this one can be pricy. Especially if you don’t already have the camera! But you could also switch it up… like one a week or one a month and make it very intentional. There’s so much that you could capture of the daily life of being in high school that your senior photos can’t. Like you could photograph your locker, or your favorite teacher giving a lecture (albeit it will probably be loud and distracting… do that one at your own risk! lol), picture of everyone eating lunch in the cafeteria, or your favorite picnic table where you and your friends hang out, etc. Let your creativity guide you!

16. Watch only the best high school movies.

Listen, if you’re graduating high school and going out into the world, certain things are expected of you, but mostly getting some cultural references. Go brush up on some good high school movies from days past. Here’s a great list to get you started.

17. Decorate your high school parking spot with chalk.

Show your creative side with a larger scale parking lot art piece. Get your friends to decorate their spots and make a day of it!

18. Write a thank you note to your parents.

They’ve supported you, watched you struggle and overcome challenges, and fed you. Write them a meaningful letter and leave it for them before the graduation ceremony.

high school senior photographer in austin texas

19. Plan a photoshoot with your besties.

I know, I know… here I go again with the photos, but listen you never know what the future holds. Have some fun with your friends in front of the camera one last time.

20. Write a letter to each of your friends.

Tell your friends how proud you are of them. Tell them how you’ll never tell about their crush. Whatever you want to include.. the sky’s the limit.

21. Volunteer to read to kids at a local elementary school.

Pick out your favorite children’s book and read it to a local elementary school. Maybe seeing someone younger will encourage them to start reading.

22. Dance in your graduation robe.

Everyone should dance in their graduation robe! You’ve made it BBY!

23. Write a time capsule letter.

These are so fun. The sky is the limit here. Feel free to include some trinkets or photos you want to remember forever. Check out this link for more advice on what to write.

24. Go to a concert with friends.

There’s nothing quite like seeing your favorite musical artist with your best friends!

25. Skip school for one day.

Look, I don’t want to get any flack for saying this, but senior skip day was a thing when I was in high school. Do not blame me, I will deny this post even exists.

26. Ride bikes to school.

Remember riding your bike everywhere? Be a kid again, before it’s too late, and ride your bike to school.

27. Explore your town’s history.

Investigate what you think you know about where you live. Challenge yourself to learn something new about where you live.

28. Breakfast with friends before school.

Drag yourself out of bed to have breakfast with your friends!

29. Leave your name somewhere in school.

I will deny this to the bitter end, but hey if it gets found easily that’s on you.

30. Plan a senior campout.

Camping is such a fun bonding experience. Be responsible and go somewhere fun with great swimming spots and hiking trails. Check this website for some camping ideas in Texas.

31. Learn to cook at least 3 different meals.

Learning how to cook is an essential skill you’ll need as you grow up and leave the nest. You may want to consider learning some easy dorm recipes as well while you’re at it. Having a few backups that are easy to make in the microwave can really save you if you don’t make it to the campus cafeteria before the food hall closes.

32. Thrift a whole outfit.

Go to a local thrift store and build a whole new outfit! Bonus points if you can keep it below a certain number like all of it for less than $10.

33. Create, hide, or search for geocaches.

Geocaching is so much fun and you can take it a step farther by creating some of your own with mementos from your senior year.

34. Create a playlist of all your favorite songs from high school and jam out.

This, right here, will bring back so many memories! Keep it separate from your other favorites and have fun adding new songs throughout your senior year.

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