Tips for a Mindful Family Photoshoot

family at mueller lake park in austin texas

Because Perfection Is Boring (and Impossible)

We’ve all been there—the dreaded family photoshoot day. Cue the pressure. Are the kids going to behave like the sweet angels you know they are (when they’re asleep)? Will everyone’s hair cooperate for once? What if one kid pulls a face, or worse…you do?

Here’s the thing: None of that matters. Really! You can skip the stress entirely if you approach your photoshoot with a little mindfulness. It’s not about capturing some perfect Pinterest moment—it’s about being present with your family, in all your wonderfully chaotic glory.

That’s where these tips for a relaxed family photoshoot comes in comes in. These five simple steps will help you get out of your head and into the moment. Ready to breathe out the panic and breathe in the fun? Let’s go!

1. Set Your Intentions (And No, “Just Surviving” Doesn’t Count)

Setting an intention is like giving your mind a map. Instead of worrying about whether your toddler will decide to play dress-up with the mud, you can remind yourself what really matters—your loved ones, the memories, and maybe even enjoying yourself.

Here’s How to Do It

Take a quiet second (or lock yourself in the bathroom, I won’t judge) and decide how you want to feel during the session. Here are some examples:

“We’re here to have fun and not worry about posing like the Kardashians.”
“This is about memories, not magazine covers.”
“Our family’s perfect because we don’t have it all together.”

Day-of Tip

When you’re in the car (or wrangling the kids into it), take a minute to say your intention out loud. If you’re with your family, share it with them, too. Something like, “Today, we’re going to focus on having fun together—no matter what happens!” Speaking it out gives it more power, and hearing it will set the tone for everyone.

mueller lake photo location

2. Breathe (Before You Lose It)

Ever heard of the 3-minute breathing space? Grounding breathwork calms your mind, chills your heart rate, and brings you back to the present moment—just in time to face whatever tantrum is brewing.

Here’s How to Do It

Set a timer for three minutes. (You can do anything for 3 minutes, right?) Let’s try the 4-4-4 breathing method: inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts.

Day-of Tip

Make it a family affair. Get everyone to take a few deep breaths together and see if it doesn’t work some magic on your nerves and theirs.

baby smiling at mueller lake park in austin texas

3. Release Expectations (Or, Lower the Bar to Earth)

Visualizing a positive experience can help you feel more relaxed. But here’s the trick—visualize how you want to feel, not how you want the photos to turn out. Spoiler: Your kids won’t smile perfectly the whole time, and neither will you.

Here’s How to Do It

Close your eyes. Picture your family laughing, playing, and just being themselves. Now let go of the need for perfection. The best moments are usually the messy, real ones anyway.

Day-of Tip

When you feel your stress rising (maybe your toddler refuses to smile, or your teenager’s giving you the look), have a “reset” moment. Turn it into a mini game: if someone messes up or things feel out of control, make everyone stop, take a funny pose, and say something goofy like “Freeze Frame!” or “Monkey Time!” before resetting and getting back into the flow. This helps break the tension and turns “messes” into fun moments.

4. Practice Gratitude (Yep, Even If It Feels Corny)

Gratitude can melt stress into appreciation. When you focus on what you love about your family, it’s a lot harder to stress about whether everyone matches perfectly (hint: they won’t).

Here’s How to Do It

A few days before the shoot, write down three things you’re grateful for about your family. Here are some ideas:

  • “I’m grateful for how much we laugh, even when life gets chaotic.”
  • “I’m grateful for our unique story, even if it’s a little nuts.”
  • “I’m grateful for time together, documented forever (with bonus bloopers).”

Day-of Tip

Read your list before heading out. Need to re-ground mid-shoot? Glance at it for a reality check. You could also say these out loud before you leave the house to your family. Or you could write them on a whiteboard to remind you.

5. Have a Family Pep Talk (It’s Show Time, Folks)

Huddle up with your family for a pre-shoot pep talk! This can really set the tone for a relaxed, fun session. Plus, it gives your kids permission to just be—and take the pressure off everyone.

Here’s How to Do It

Gather your family and give a quick speech (bonus points if it’s dramatic): “We’re here to have fun, not be perfect. You can be silly, wild, or whatever, because that’s where the best moments happen.”

Day-of Tip

Keep it light. Make them laugh. You’re aiming for fun, not formality.

Mindfulness = Fun (Yes, Even During Family Photos)

A little mindfulness before your family photoshoot goes a long way in helping you let go of stress and enjoy the process. When you follow through with these tips—set an intention, ground your breath, visualize a fun day, practice gratitude, and throw in a pep talk—you’re more likely to have a relaxed, enjoyable session. And spoiler alert: the best photos? They’re the ones where you’re laughing, goofing off, and letting those imperfect moments shine through.

Next time the pressure to look perfect creeps in, ditch it. Imperfect is way more fun.

P.S. Don’t forget the snacks. Everyone’s happier when they’re fed!